As a company that provides, among other things, services similar to fraud prevention, the Ineo srl adopted and notified the Guarantor of Privacy, on 13 March 2015, the following code of ethics.

Code of Conduct for Undertakings Providing Services Comparable to Fraud Prevention

In view of the social importance of fraud prevention and the sensitivity and complexity of the operations carried out in processing all or even only one of the planned activities such as collection, the analysis and evaluation of information relevant to the prevention of fraud concerning both the identity of the entity and the veracity of the declarations made and the proposed documentation of the finding of any other element useful for the investigation ascertain the availability and reliability of the applicant and the information submitted by the applicant, operators consider it appropriate to establish uniform rules for the professional category of undertakings providing such services (hereinafter also anti-fraud companies), in application of the rules, including regulations, referred to in T.U.L.P.S (R.D. No. 773/1931), the relevant Implementation Regulation (R.D. 635/1940) and D.Lgs 30.6.2003 n. 196 and of the EU 679/2016. The professional activity of fraud prevention, in its broadest sense, is based on the scrupulous observance of the fundamental rules of moral integrity, professional responsibility and confidentiality beyond the normal observance of all the law in force.

The anti-fraud companies subscribe to this code of ethics and good conduct on the basis of the following premises:

  1. the processing of personal data, carried out as part of the anti-fraud activity described here, must be carried out in compliance with the rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity of the data subjects, in particular the right to the protection of personal data, the right to privacy and the right to personal identity;

  2. this Code identifies adequate safeguards and methods of processing to protect the rights of data subjects to be observed in pursuing the purposes of credit protection and risk containment, in order to prevent fraud, improve the assessment of the risk assumed and thus facilitate access to and the provision of credit;

  3. all those who use personal data for the above purposes must comply with the ethical rules established by this Code as an essential condition for the lawfulness and correctness of the processing;

  4. this Code does not cover information systems owned by public bodies and, in particular, the public system for the administrative prevention of fraud in the field of consumer credit, with specific reference to identity theft based on a central computerized file pursuant to article 30-ter, paragraph 2, of D. Lgs. 13.8.2010 n. 141.

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Via Paolo di Dono, 149 Roma


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